

LESSON 2: God is Our Refuge

Lessons in this series: 1 2 Overview

The children will learn that we can rely on God for safety and rest.
by Leah Pittsinger


God's Protection

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Safety Objects (Activity) Click here

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

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BIBLE VERSE (5 minutes)

“No harm will overtake you, no harm will come to your tent.” Psalm 91:10 NIV

Ask the class to sit with you around a table or in a circle on the floor. Read the verse to the class. Then show the children a small ball and ask them to repeat each word as you roll it to a child. Each child will then roll the ball back to you for the next word. Continue the activity until the verse has been completed, or repeat the activity to increase familiarity with the verse.

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Introduction: Today we are going to continue learning about God’s protection. Last week we learned that God is our Mighty Fortress, or shield, between us and evil. Psalm 91 also tells us that He is our Refuge, or place of safety and rest, when we face trouble. We will learn that God is ready to help us and gives us promises when we choose to follow Him.

Read Psalm 91:9-16 (God provides safety and rest.)

Discussion Questions:
1. What is a refuge? (A shelter or safe place.)
2. What happens when we make the Lord our refuge? (No harm will overtake us.)
3. Who will God command to guard us? (His angels!)
4. Why will the Lord rescue us? (Because we love Him.)
5. What does God promise when we “call” on Him? (That He will answer.)
6. How is God with us during trouble? (By helping us and giving us hope.)
7. What else does God promise when we follow Him? (Long life and salvation.)

Conclusion: The Lord is our Refuge, or shelter, from evil. Isn’t it amazing that He even promises to help us and send His angels to guard us from harm?! God loves being a part of our lives and He’s ready to answer us when we are in need. He truly is our refuge.

FUN TIME (10 minutes)

Refuge Letters (Game) Click here


God is My Refuge (Craft) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

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Lead the children in a short prayer and then pass out a healthy snack. While enjoying the snack, share with the class about a time when God was your Refuge (such as during bad weather, through a personal hardship, or other bad circumstance). Explain how you felt (e.g. scared, angry, upset), but how God took care of you. Emphasize to the class that we should turn to God through prayer when we are in need because He loves us and wants the best for us. And, encourage the children to remember that God will take care of them whenever they face something hard!


Bring several items that make you feel loved and safe (such as a Bible, special blanket, a picture, etc). Explain how the items provide comfort when you are sad, hurt, or angry. Ask for volunteers to comment about things they have that make them feel safe. Lastly, reiterate that God is our Refuge, and when we remember to ask for His help He will always show up!


Come back next week for another lesson about the Lord’s Prayer!


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here