

Reaching the world for Jesus; preaching (See also witnessing, missions)

"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'" Mark 16:15


Official Messengers

The children will learn that they are messengers for God.

Share The Joy

A fun activity that teaches children that there are many ways to share our joy from Jesus with others.

Who Do You Think About?

This activity encourages children to reflect on those they think about the most and encourage these people to live for Christ.


Prepare The Way

The children will make a craft to help them remember to tell their friends about Jesus.

Travel And Tell

This craft helps children consider items they would need to travel and tell others about Jesus.


Aquila, Priscilla, And Apollos

This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we work together to share the love of Jesus.

The Shepherds

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Shepherds and the joy that filled them upon hearing news of Jesus’ birth. They let this excitement change their plans, their hearts, and their actions. They also made the choice to share this Good News with others!


Spread The Light

In this activity, children will discover the story of how the world became a dark place. They will learn Jesus came to be the Light of the World and how we, as followers of Jesus, must share the light to give hope to others.


I Can Tell My Friends

Children are encouraged to share their faith with this song sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”