

In this Sunday school game, the children will work together to B-E-L-I-E-V-E in Jesus.
by Leah Pittsinger


 Evangelism, Salvation


Tennis balls
Recreation cones


Approximately 10 minutes


Determine the playing area by setting up recreation cones at the starting line and finish line.


Explain to the children that they will work together with their team to spell “believe” as they try to toss their tennis ball without any drops. Divide the children into groups of 4-7 (uneven teams are okay, and smaller groups will still work). Then help the children in each team stand far enough apart to reach the finish line but close enough to toss the ball to one another. Each team needs room to attempt seven successful catches. If there are fewer than seven children on a team, the child who successfully tosses the ball will then run past the other players to reposition him/herself and get closer to the finish line. Lastly, when a player catches the ball, he or she will say the next letter to spell B-E-L-I-E-V-E. If the ball is dropped, the team must start over from the beginning. The first team to toss the ball seven times without any drops and cross the finish line is the winning team.

Begin the game by tossing a tennis ball to the first player of each team. Consider playing a practice round so the children will better understand the game. Play as many rounds as time allows.

Did you know that many times we must work together as believers to help others know Jesus? God calls each of us to have a part in sharing the saving message of Jesus’ death and resurrection so those who don’t know Him can also have the opportunity to believe. Some of us are good at praying for others, others find it easy to talk about God, and still others like to teach Bible stories. God wants to use whatever abilities we have to be part of a bigger family of believers who work together to share the gospel.