
A Reputation of Strength

LESSON 1: A Strong Reputation for Doing Good

Lessons in this series: 1 Overview

One third grader from our class made a list of ways to build a strong reputation for doing good.
However, she didn't stop at just 10, she came up with 188 ways!

1. Don't say bad words
2. Be nice
3. Don't smoke
4. Take care of yourself
5. Take care of others
6. Don't lie
7. Don't cheat
8. Be a good sport
9. Don't steal
10. Keep on the job
11. Answer people
12. Don't be rude
13. Only mess with your stuff
14. Do your chores
15. Don't tear people's stuff
16. Eat healthy
17. Practice
18. Don't argue
19. Follow your religion
20. Don't interrupt
21. Listen
22. Obey your boss
23. Don't give up
24. Learn
25. Don't forget
26. Try your best
27. Be proud
28. Love one another
29. Help out
30. Don't fight
31. Don't waste
32. Don't destroy
33. Quit when people ask
34. Be polite
35. Ask politely
36. Say nice things
37. Quit when it is annoying
38. Don't yell
39. Don't throw a fit
40. Be a good citizen
41. Give people nice comments
42. Don't laugh at others
43. Don't be jealous
44. Try to agree with others
45. Don't break a promise
46. Don't be selfish
47. Don't call people names
48. Do your part
49. Follow the rules
50. Don't brag
51. Don't set traps
52. Don't leave people behind
53. Be thankful
54. Worship
55. Show respect
56. Be responsible
57. Make good choices
58. Share
59. Take turns
60. Clean up what you made
61. Don't tease
62. Apologize
63. Work it out
64. Cooperate
65. Be proud for others
66. Take your time
67. Ask for help
68. Give good not bad
69. Don't be lazy
70. Have fun
71. Exercise
72. Don't be a show off
73. Make the right choices
74. Don't try to mess up
75. Follow your own path
76. Don't put bad words in songs
77. Have good behavior
78. See how others are feeling
79. Pray
80. Enjoy being you
81. Don't talk back
82. Get the knowledge you need
83. Study
84. Give gifts
85. Respect your elders
86. Speak clearly
87. You don't get everything you want
88. Exercise your brain
89. Follow Jesus
90. It does not always work out
91. Put God first
92. Don't cuss at people
93. Ask before using
94. Use manners
95. Be proud for others
96. Don't talk to strangers
97. Tell people the stories in the
98. Apologize
99. Teach people what you have
100. Look after yourself
101. Look where you are going
102. Try to stop the wrong thing
103. Stay warm
104. Help others stay warm
105. Recycle
106. Cheer people on
107. Don't harm
108. Follow the good dreams
109. Put things where they belong
110. Keep on building
111. Never stop learning
112. There will always be room
113. Help the community
114. Be gentle
115. Serve others
116. Don't get back at people
117. Keep in touch with your family
118. Don't give away heavenly
119. Don't play at the wrong times
120. Let God come to you
121. Bless others
122. Go to church
123. Stay clean
124. Play fair
125. Come to Jesus
126. Give hugs and kisses
127. Tell the truth
128. Don't point
129. Don't take it if it is not yours
130. Miss others
131. Never stop growing
132. Drink healthy
133. Throw out the bad
134. Keep the good
135. Take care of your body
136. Have quick breaks
137. Don't lock people in
138. Follow the Ten Commandments
139. Put everything in the right order
140. Don't take your medicine alone
141. Don't use other people's stuff
142. Don't give children weapons
143. Don't rob
144. Sing God's songs
145. Watch where you are going
146. Don't trip people
147. Write thank you notes
148. Raise your hand
149. Borrow, then give back
150. No killing
151. Don't scare others when danger
is near
152. Be patient
153. Don't give out bad advise
154. Work together and have fun
155. Be quiet
156. Don't put out your fist
157. Don't do any drugs
158. Don't run in the wrong places
159. Always be ready
160. Never say no to one in need 161. Don't slam doors
162. Don't shoot people
163. Read with light
164. Don't annoy anyone
165. Do your work before fun
166. Don't give up your child
167. Don't rush
168. Give people time to choose
169. Be there for people
170. Don't trick a person
171. Don't do dangerous things
172. Don't drink alcohol
173. Don't confuse people
174. Try to achieve your goal
175. Fix things
176. Don't leave things behind
177. Don't call yourself names
178. Don't be hard on anyone
179. Don't let silly things stuff up
your mind
180. Put the past behind you
181. Put things together
182. It's okay to make mistakes
183. Clear things out
184. Don't pretend to be somebody
185. Don't throw anything at anyone
186. Don't say your going to do
something when you're not sure
187. Treat people the way they
should be treated
188. Have a good attitude