
Materials and Supplies (What to Have on Hand)

Here is a great checklist of items to have readily on hand to avoid last-minute shopping.

If possible, before your first class it would be a good idea to obtain a few supplies. Some items will be used almost every Sunday, like pencils and paper. When putting together a lesson, you will find that having the necessary supplies already available will make things go much smoother. Also during class, an activity or game may come to mind that could enhance the lesson. Not having the right supplies in order to follow through with your idea would be so disappointing.

The following is a list of suggested items you may want to have on hand. Check the items you need, then print this page to use as a shopping list.

Materials Checklist [PDF] Click here

  Sunday school supplies

Replaceable Supplies:
[  ] Large supply of index cards in various colors
[  ] Construction Paper in various colors
[  ] Card Stock (Medium or heavy white)
[  ] Glue sticks (enough for each child if possible)
[  ] Pencils
[  ] Washable markers in various colors
[  ] Dry markers (for whiteboard) or Chalk (for blackboard)
[  ] White Poster board
[  ] Staples
[  ] Paperclips
[  ] Roll of masking tape
[  ] Roll of transparent tape
[  ] Sticky Tack ®
[  ] Plenty sheets of plain or ruled white paper
[  ] Facial Tissues
[  ] Paper supplies (plates, cups and napkins)
[  ] Folders (if children will be saving work from one Sunday to the next)

Non-replaceable Supplies:
[  ] Scissors (enough for each child if possible)
[  ] Pencil sharpener
[  ] Stapler
[  ] Whiteboard eraser/cleaner
[  ] Hole punch
[  ] Paper cutter
[  ] Thumb tacks
[  ] Shoe box (for drawing names etc.)
[  ] A soft ball, such as a Nerf ® ball (used for games)
[  ] Extra Bibles (preferably the same version)

Then depending on your actual lesson special items may be needed. For example:
[  ] Art supplies or materials for a particular craft
[  ] Object needed for an object talk or object lesson
[  ] Costumes or props for a skit
[  ] Puppets
[  ] Fake hair or fancy hats
[  ] Balloons
[  ] Game pieces (markers, dice, etc.)
[  ] Newspapers or magazines for class activities
[  ] Pictures

Most of these items are fairly inexpensive, besides, kids are not terribly picky. There is no need to spend a fortune purchasing the best of whatever. Check first with your church to see what supplies are already on hand. Then, do a little shopping to complete your list. It will be fun and worth it.